

Dovleac Raluca, Suciu Cristina



Quality Assurance within the Agile System Development Life-Cycle

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Agile development methodologies have gained popularity as of lately due to their flexibility, continuous testing, customer involvement and short iterations. Companies using this approach have observed improvements in their product delivery time and customer satisfaction. A question that arises from these observations is: Does Agile incorporate Quality Assurance in its development practice, and could this be a reason behind its efficiency? Furthermore, if Agile does not integrate Quality Assurance practices in its methodologies, would the implementation of such practices increase the productivity of this development approach and provide a useful guideline for practitioners? In our paper we have analyzed these issues in order to better understand the relation between Quality Assurance and Agile as well as provide directions towards future integrations of Quality Assurance aspects within Agile development practices. We did this by first taking a look at what Agile means and what it stands for, its evolution in time and core principles, then analyzing the quality management process and the role of quality assurance within this discipline. We then looked at how quality is measured in Agile and at the success factors in the case of Agile methodologies and compared them to the success factors of Total Quality Management (TQM). By doing this, we highlighted the success factors which were present in both TQM and Agile methodologies and provided directions for further improvements.


Agile, Quality, Quality management, Project management


Cite this paper

Dovleac Raluca, Suciu Cristina. (2018) Quality Assurance within the Agile System Development Life-Cycle. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 3, 181-187


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