16-Antenna Array for Circular Polarization with Wideband Axial Ratio and Enhanced Directivity

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This paper presents a novel structure of circularly polarized 4-antenna array and its expansion to 16-antenna array. First a novel configurations are given of a single antenna and a 4-antenna array with orthogonal arrangement fed by S-type routing wire. S-type routing wire was found to have capabilities of minimizing and cancelling reflections mutually between both sides of parallel feeding lines. Then, 16-antenna array is given by the above 4-antenna array settled on four quadrants. Grounded collars at the peripherals of antenna arrays operate to eliminate cross-sectional radiations. The characteristics of the proposed antenna array are given by 3D computer simulation. Extremely wideband axis ratio was first realized with 10 times wide bandwidth compared to conventional plane antennas.


Wideband circular polarization antenna, orthogonal arrangement, S-type routing wire, grounded collar at peripheral, elimination of cross-sectional radiation


Cite this paper

Yumi Takizawa, Atsushi Fukasawa. (2018) 16-Antenna Array for Circular Polarization with Wideband Axial Ratio and Enhanced Directivity. Journal of Electromagnetics, 3, 20-26


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