Circular Polarization Plane Antenna Array by Anti-Parallel Arrangement with Simplified Routing Wires

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This paper presents a novel configuration of circular polarization array antenna. First in this paper, a structure of a single plane antenna is given. This antenna is composed of three elements of feed and reactance elements, and ground plate. Then, the required condition of phases in space and time is given. Novel configuration of 4-antenna array and routing wires are given to satisfy the condition. The novel scheme of this routing wire is simple and never known before. The characteristics of the proposed antenna array are obtained by 3D computer simulation. It was found that this scheme is applicable to wideband and practical systems.


Circular polarization, plane array antenna, parallel feeding, anti-parallel arrangement, simplified routing wire


Cite this paper

Yumi Takizawa, Atsushi Fukasawa. (2018) Circular Polarization Plane Antenna Array by Anti-Parallel Arrangement with Simplified Routing Wires. Journal of Electromagnetics, 3, 27-32


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