Towards Understanding the Role of Institutional Pressures in Raising Awareness about Student Academic Integrity Issues in Australia

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Academic integrity continues to be an area of concern for many universities in Australia and worldwide. This paper uses an institutional perspective to understand academic integrity issues and discusses how institutional influences raise awareness about academic integrity issues in Australian context. The findings can assist academic staff and managers in higher educational institutions to promote ethical behavior to current students and work towards developing responsive academic integrity practices. The paper discusses inclusion of professional ethics topics in a number of units and future work in developing e-learning on professional ethics using real world case studies in Information Communication and Technology (ICT).


Academic integrity, institutional pressures, Australia, ethics, higher education


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Karthik Nagarajan, Savitri Bevinakoppa. (2018) Towards Understanding the Role of Institutional Pressures in Raising Awareness about Student Academic Integrity Issues in Australia. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 3, 93-104


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