Designing of Software Model to Model Transformation Language

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Software model transformation is a central operation in Model-Driven Development approach. In order to represent software models, graphical modeling notations, for example UML, are used. Quality of software model, obtained after transformation, influences on further operations with it. Many papers, proposing strong contribution in model to model transformational approach, consider transformational tasks, relating to concrete transformational languages or environments. Respectively, transformational results are visualized in concrete modeling environments (for example Eclipse or Microsoft Visual Studio) and software models are represented in concrete formats XML (XML, 2015) or XMI. Such approaches depend on possibilities of concrete tools, formats or model transformation languages (QVT [9], ATLAS or other). Variety of transformational operations is limited by supported features of chosen practical tools. From other side, development of analytical approaches for model to model transformations permit avoiding transformation environment limitations and composing transformational rules with different levels of complexity. This paper is devoted to designing of modeling language for Model to Model Transformation. The language designing is started from abstract syntax development. Then concrete syntax based on software model graph representation is described. Software model representation is proposed on two levels: at metalevel and representation considering details. Transformation operations are described by means of transformation grammar. Designing of software tool architecture for software model to model transformation is presented. Case study, containing description of transformation process, is outlined.


Software Model, Modeling Languages, Syntax and Semantics of Modeling Languages, Software Model Transformation, Graph Transformation, Model-Driven Development, Transformation Rules, UML, Use Case Diagram, Collaboration Diagram


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Cite this paper

Olena V. Chebanyuk. (2018) Designing of Software Model to Model Transformation Language. International Journal of Computers, 3, 120-129


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