

Daniel Valdes-Amaro, Leslie Hernandez-Gonzalez, Brayan Tozcano-Jimenez, Josue Lopez-Sanchez



Xiinbal: An App with Augmented Reality to Increase Tourism Potential

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Tourism is one of the most important economic aspects in the world, so that it constitutes the main source of income of entire nations. With proper planning and publicity, a place can have an exponential tourist growth, and new technologies can help to achieve such objectives. Through Xiinbal mobile application, any user can consult all the information for a touristic place in Mexico, and at the same time, users who interact can comment and rate the places. Augmented Reality is used so tourists can interact with different places in Mexico and get to know them in a different way. We believe that this app has the potential to increase the economic and cultural growth of small touristic communities.


Tourism, Augmented Reality, Mobile Application, Mexico


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Cite this paper

Daniel Valdes-Amaro, Leslie Hernandez-Gonzalez, Brayan Tozcano-Jimenez, Josue Lopez-Sanchez. (2018) Xiinbal: An App with Augmented Reality to Increase Tourism Potential. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 3, 73-77


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