Concepts characterization and competence assessment for Computational Thinking

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Computational Thinking can be considered as a whole where three important parts are associated in order to complete a transversal competence. These parts are the own competences of Computational Thinking, the attitudes or dispositions that are essential dimensions of Computational Thinking and that support it, and the concepts that are used and developed when you work the Computational Thinking. The transversal competence is the own Computational Thinking. But all competences must be measured in some way if we want to apply them properly and obtain conclusions in order to improve the teaching-learning process. In this paper we present Computational Thinking and its three fundamental parts and we discuss some methods to assess all the process


Computational Thinking, assessment, education, teaching, learning, transversal competence, concepts.


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Cite this paper

Javier Bilbao, Olatz García, Carolina Rebollar, Eugenio Bravo, Concepción Varela. (2018) Concepts characterization and competence assessment for Computational Thinking. International Journal of Computers, 3, 97-104


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