Big Data Analytics and Internet of medical Things Make Precision Medicine a Reality

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In this paper the role of advanced IT technologies such as Big data analytics and Internet of medical Things (IomT) in support and promotion of precision medicine has been revealed. The concept of precision medicine has been presented and analyzed from the point of view of computational science and the new paradigm for scientific research. The focus of the paper is on the intersection of Big data analytics and precision medicine. The computational flow of in silico knowledge data discovery has been presented and analyzed and the beneficial outcomes for the case study of genome mapping based on computer model of RNA revealed. Finally, the beneficial role of Internet of medical Things and related technologies has been discussed.


Big data analytics, in silico knowledge discovery, Internet of medical Things, bioinformatics


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Cite this paper

Plamenka Borovska. (2018) Big Data Analytics and Internet of medical Things Make Precision Medicine a Reality. International Journal of Internet of Things and Web Services, 3, 24-31


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