Conceptual Mathematical Model as a Strategy for Learning in Students of Initial Levels of the Careers of Science of Engineering

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In the present investigations the authors show an application scheme of the mathematical models in the resolution of problems of the engineering sciences is presented through research projects that contribute to the development of the mathematical knowledge of the first level students of engineering science. In the study the authors show the application of numerical methods such as linear interpolation, Lagrange polynomial interpolation and regression models through Statgraphics software for electromechanical engineers. These tools are expressed in the resolution of problems of low complexity and allow establishing evaluation criteria to the students on the importance of the study of the mathematics for the professional formation in the area of the engineering. The use of numerical methods tools for solving practical problems in first-level students of engineering science careers develops critical analytical skills and strengthens them in the use of computational sciences for electromechanical engineering


Mathematical Model, numerical methods, Lagrange Polynomial.


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Cite this paper

Ives Torriente, Arlys Lastre, Eliane Fernández. (2018) Conceptual Mathematical Model as a Strategy for Learning in Students of Initial Levels of the Careers of Science of Engineering. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 3, 21-27


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