Generation of Self-Sustainable Electrical Energy for the Unidad Central Del Valle Del Cauca, by the Use of Peltier Cells

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It is proposed to generate self-sustainable electrical energy taking advantage of the environment’s natural conditions in the Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca (UCEVA). This, by the use of the so-called Peltier Cells, which have the capacity to generate electricity from a thermal gradient, thanks to the properties of the Seebeck, Peltier, Joule and Thompson effects, for semiconductor materials, being these the main theoretical references in this research project. To carry out this idea, it is proposed to design, build and characterize a floating device initially made up by Peltier Cells. Likewise, it is aimed to place on the lake in the university campus in order to take advantage of both the low temperatures of this water reservoir and the high temperatures generated by direct exposure to sunlight turning those opposite temperatures into a source of energy. That energy will provide a certain area adjacent to the lake not before expanding the studies related to the effects mentioned above and other principles of thermoelectricity. This research project will open the doors to a relatively new branch of renewable energies, thermoelectricity, both for the UCEVA and for the scientific community in Tuluá and Valle del Cauca.


Peltier Cells, electric current, Peltier effect, Seebeck effect, Renewable energy, Joule effect, Thomson effect, Thermodynamics


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Cite this paper

Jorge Antonio Vélez Ramírez, William Fernando Aristizabal Cardona, Javier Benavides Buchelli. (2018) Generation of Self-Sustainable Electrical Energy for the Unidad Central Del Valle Del Cauca, by the Use of Peltier Cells. International Journal of Renewable Energy Sources, 3, 20-31


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