The Relationship between the Impact Resistance, Sound Emittance and the Hardness of Wooden Floorings

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Due to the simplicity, the short measurement time and the direct application in practice, dynamic methods are becoming important to determine the hardness of various flooring types. In this regards, the study focused on determining the dynamic impact resistance of several wooden floorings including the analysis of the sound emittance. Significant correlation between density and hardness of wooden floorings has been confirmed. Additionally, the average sound pressure was positively related with the density and wood hardness, whereas maximum sound pressure was the same at all tested wood species. A more homogeneous frequency spectrum of emitted sound in the range of up to 5 kHz is achieved with less dense wooden floorings.


Wooden floorings, Impact resistance, Sound emittance, Sound pressure, Brinell hardness, Density


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Cite this paper

Straže Aleš. (2018) The Relationship between the Impact Resistance, Sound Emittance and the Hardness of Wooden Floorings. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 3, 5-9


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