A Proposed Indicator Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Energy Generation Technologies

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Renewable-based and distributed energy generation technologies seem to be the solution in the battle against CO2-emission and energy-dependency in the energy policy of the EU. In spite of the intensive research and regulatory efforts, sustainability advantages of renewable energy sources and distributed technologies over traditional, centralized plants are not justified. This paper attempts to propose an indicator system based on the relevant international literature and by using a Weighted Sum Method methodology for the comparison of the main power generation technology groups and an expert-based weighting of indicators, the sustainability ranking of main power generation technology groups is also elaborated.


sustainable development, electricity generations technologies indicator system, decision model, Guilford pairwise comparison


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Nikolett Deutsch. (2018) A Proposed Indicator Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Energy Generation Technologies. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 3, 1-10


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