The Spread of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Management System Standards

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ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 can be considered as the fundamental management system standards in many aspects. The systematic set of the requirements may establish a common language between corporations as well as it may support the development of organizational performance with regard to quality, environmental and social issues. Since certification of the management systems is usually required by business partners, the number and distribution of certificated systems is an important international indicator of the state and development of the economies. The recent revisions of the standards offer wider possibilities than before by strategic orientation, stakeholder orientation, and risk-based thinking. The trend of applications shows a recessive period; hence the new approach may be the key to revival. The paper gives an international overview and explores the differences between the headway of some western and eastern countries in Europe. Comparing the national trends between competing economies can contribute to the designation of strategic responses both on the corporate and national level.


ISO 9001, quality management, ISO 14001, environmental management, integrated management system, certification


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Cite this paper

László Berényi. (2018) The Spread of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Management System Standards. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 3, 11-18


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