

Tomaž Klojcnik, Tanja Angleitner Sagadin, Davorin Kralj



Project Management: A Systematic Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling Sustainable Transformation

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Business Environmental Excellence means more than corporate responsibility; it is now a priority issue that global business needs to integrate into its green, sustainable business policy and strategy. There is no doubt about sustainable environmental future and business environmental excellence. Business Environmental Excellence strategies now feature in boardroom discussions across the world. Top management has a moral imperative and sustainable green obligation to bring about environmentally friendly change. Not only is “green” business excellence an issue of corporate responsibility, it is also in the interest of global policy and business excellence to integrate it into its sustainable business and strategy. Decision-makers and managers should be doing far more to assist and encourage the process. Management should not focus on short-term benefits, but on long-term consequences of sustainability aimed at long-term efficiency and effectiveness of the company’s business and environmental activities and excellence. Business Environmental Excellence Model provides a holistic view of the future organization. Project Management as a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling sustainable transformation is the right answer. As projects that care for nature increase in scope and complexity, managing them across time zones, language barriers, and technology platforms requires a systematic approach that accounts for every detail. Even more reason to keep project management as a tool for sustainable future.


Business, Management, Organization Model, Project Management, Sustainable Transformation


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Cite this paper

Tomaž Klojcnik, Tanja Angleitner Sagadin, Davorin Kralj. (2018) Project Management: A Systematic Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling Sustainable Transformation. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 3, 26-35


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