A Modified PWM Scheme for Harmonic Reduction in Hybrid System without Filter

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The ever increasing demand for conventional energy sources drives society towards the research and development of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar energy. The integration of these energy sources form a hybrid system, is an excellent option for distributed energy applications. The successful implementation of such a hybrid energy system is greatly depend on the design of suitable power electronics and their control, which will help to improve the performance and reliability of the system. This research presents an important aspect of designing a voltage source inverter, using novel carrier PWM techniques. In this paper, a new UN shape Carrier Pulse Width Modulation (UNCPWM) technique has been suggested, which uses the conventional sinusoidal reference signal and an UN shape carrier for minimizing the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and to enhance the fundamental output voltage in hybrid system. The Simulation has been carried out in MATLAB Simulink to analyze the performance of the proposed technique by means of comparing the fundamental component of RMS output voltage and THD for different values of modulation index. This simulation results shows that the performance of the voltage source inverter, based on UNCPWM technique is considerably efficient than the existing pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques.


PWM techniques, Voltage Source Inverter, Total harmonic distortion (THD), Wind-Photovoltaic systems


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P. Vijayarajan, A. Shunmugalatha, H. Habeebullah Sait. (2017) A Modified PWM Scheme for Harmonic Reduction in Hybrid System without Filter. International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods, 2, 402-411


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