Lightweight Trusted Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

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Wireless Sensor Network is a network consisting of tiny and limited power sensor nodes communicate wirelessly and being deployed at any random places. The unique feature of Wireless Sensor Networks that enable continuous data collection and monitoring has accelerate the development of sensor network related applications ranging from non-sensitive to highly sensitive data applications. However, due to its ability to work without human intervention, the sensor nodes are susceptible to clone nodes types of attacks. These will then leads to worst consequences which is false message. Therefore secure communication is no more enough in Wireless Sensor Network Environment. This paper present a rigorous research work in the development of a lightweight trusted authentication protocol for wireless embedded devices in the Wireless Sensor Networks environment. The term trust in this research work is based on trusted Computing Group definition and therefore the development start from the sensor node. Following that, a remote attestation protocol name as IBE_Trust is presented and analyzed. Acknowledging the energy constraint faced by the target devices, analysis on the power consumption is conducted to ensure its feasibility. Finally, this paper suggests the application in e-health mobile device authentication for wireless sensor network. By integrating the trusted authentication protocol in mobile health monitoring system, it will propose a great assistance in patient-doctor interaction since it is required to protect the security of the data network.


Trust; Performance; Cryptography; Transmission; IBE; WSN


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Cite this paper

Yusnani Mohd Yussoff, Nazhatul Hafizah Kamarudin, Habibah Hashim. (2017) Lightweight Trusted Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). International Journal of Communications, 2, 130-136


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