Choice of Visual Programming Language for Learning Programming

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Programmers beginners learning programming equate with learning the syntax of a programming language, but fail to master skills such as algorithmic thinking and problem solving. Problems in learning programming occur in novice programmers at all ages. Today there are many visual programming languages, which can help developers to beginners in a simple and interesting way to learn about the basic concepts of programming, and some of them even do not require learning a programming language syntax. The aim of this work is the choice of visual programming language, which makes it easier for beginners learning programming. Multi-criteria analysis has shown that the most suitable for learning Scratch programming.


beginners, learning, programmers, programming, visualization, programming languages


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Cite this paper

Olivera Iskrenovic-Momcilovic. (2017) Choice of Visual Programming Language for Learning Programming. International Journal of Computers, 2, 250-254


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