The Inclination of University Students Towards Carpooling: Critical Aspects and Opportunities

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In this paper the inclination of university students towards carpooling is explored by means of a survey; the survey was dispensed to the students of University of Sannio and questioned about the mobility for university trips and the availability to share the trip. The paper describes the reference context and the design of survey; then, the results of the survey are summarised and discussed. Main findings showed a good inclination towards carpooling with known students (over 90% of respondents) while to travel with unknown students is still a problem (the percentage drops to about 60%). Similar results were found for other kinds of trip, where to travel also with a known person is the principal condition for using the carpooling on long distances. Therefore, the survey identifies as main barrier to carpooling diffusion the mistrust towards sharing trips with unknown people, also for young, social-inclined and cultured people.


Carpooling, ride sharing, sustainable mobility, university


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Cite this paper

Mariano Gallo, Chiara Buonocore. (2017) The Inclination of University Students Towards Carpooling: Critical Aspects and Opportunities. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 407-412


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