Simulations of Results from Antennas that Measure Cosmic Neutrinos

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This paper provides an overview of how to manipulate data regarding neutrinos of high energy using indirect measurements. To be more precise, it is focused on the way the elementary cosmic particles interact with different mediums (in this case, salt and air) from the perspective of the electromagnetic field generated by them and captured by the antennas. Furthermore, another important aspect of this article is represented by the phenomena that occur during the transmission of the electromagnetic field from one medium to another. The interaction is measured by knowing the characteristics of the antenna (length, current, impedance and vector effective length) and the electric field generated by the particle in salt, thus resulting the voltage that gives important information about the behavior of the neutrinos.


antennas, cosmic neutrinos, electromagnetic field, salt detector


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Silviu-Daniel Gae. (2017) Simulations of Results from Antennas that Measure Cosmic Neutrinos. International Journal of Communications, 2, 118-121


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