

Milena Janakova



Education in Information Technology Focused on CRM Systems

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This paper focuses on education in IT (Information Technology) education and interest is oriented on CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. Customers are at the center of all companies and organizations; therefore, there is a natural interest in CRM systems. There are hundreds of CRM systems available on the market, and analyses show the optimal system according to established criteria. Unfortunately, the poor implementation is causing problems and IT users have bad IT experience. There are lack knowledge and optimal skills to work with CRM systems. In this situation, education provides help with educational documents in the form of video records, animations and good practice examples. It is impossible to know all CRM systems, but it is possible to choose a CRM system for further education aimed at optimal implementation. Mentioned solution supports instant access and relies on a template where IT users set CRM requirements step by step. This template design is used to select a CRM system for further knowledge and implementation. The paper introduces the template design that is inspired by the available data science templates, where IT users can not know all of the rules in detail, and the available templates show the recommended setup method. The same approach is accepted in the design of template. The specified data is used for filtering in a database that lists the available CRM systems with their evaluated criteria (specified template data as dimensions). The advantage of this approach is to better select CRM system according to specified IT user criteria with further recommendations for future innovations and to prevent implementation problems.


CRM, education, implementation, information technology, software, templates, visualization


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Cite this paper

Milena Janakova. (2017) Education in Information Technology Focused on CRM Systems. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 401-406


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