Technological forms develope in different morphological fields

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The present work is takes in consideration the experimental study of the influence of some morphological fields regarding the development of the complex technological forms. The goal that we have set in this paper was to bring in new points of view on technology morphologies arising in technological processes, whose goal is to generate surfaces. The development of the technological shapes could be controlled and oriented from the quality and quantity point of view, by using the morphological fields. We refer here in particular to complex forms, not the Euclidean upon which adequate studies have been done already. Among the illustrations of the experimental parameters of forming events, electrochemical deposit is regarded as a paradigm for theoretical studies of diffusion limited aggregation. In fact, by changing the concentration of metal ions, the cathodic potential and the morphological field you can explore different morphologies, such as: dense radial aggregates, dendridic patterns and fractal aggregates. This topic has been treated and shown in the paper. The box-counting algorithm was used in calculating the fractal dimension of the deposited aggregates.


complex technological forms, electrochemical deposit, fractal aggregates.


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Delia Garleanu, Delicia Arsene, Gabriel Garleanu, Claudia Borda. (2017) Technological forms develope in different morphological fields. International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Systems, 2, 60-64


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