

Paola Szekieta, Alicia Tinnirello, Eduardo Gago



Introducing Discrete Dynamic Systems in Algebra Teaching Process

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The aim of this work is to present a university classroom experience where the concepts of discrete dynamic systems are introduced in Algebra and Analytical Geometry subject with the purpose of using simulations where matrices are involved, in this case cellular automaton models are used as a dynamical system with discrete values in space, time and state. In this experience, computer scientists and mathematicians work together to carry out interdisciplinary projects which present discrete data management to first-year engineering students. Taking into account the fact that cellular automata have been used in different disciplines successfully, the authors of this paper consider introducing its concepts and applications in engineering teaching process.


Discrete dynamic systems, cellular automata, computational mathematics


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Cite this paper

Paola Szekieta, Alicia Tinnirello, Eduardo Gago. (2017) Introducing Discrete Dynamic Systems in Algebra Teaching Process. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 395-400


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