Analysis of Delivery Performance of Maritime Cloud Messaging Server in Network without Alternate Route

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The International Maritime Organization has defined e-Navigation for the purpose of providing safe and efficient maritime information and communication services. A maritime cloud is being developed as a network framework for e-navigation. The maritime cloud provides seamless information transfer service by using available network resources between heterogeneous communication links. In this paper, we analyze the message delivery performance of maritime cloud messaging server through simulation in a network environment without alternative route.


e-Navigation, Maritime cloud, Messaging server, Alternative route, Simulation, Link failure


[1] IMO, e-navigation, http://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Safety/Navigation/Pages/eNavigation.aspx

[2] Maritime Cloud Development Forum, Maritime Cloud - conceptual model, IALA (http://www.iala-aism.org), March 2017

[3] Kwangil Lee, Gaeil An, Jinhyung Park, Hanjin Lee, Byungho Chung, An Identification and Authentication scheme for Maritime Digital Communication Infrastructure, International conference on Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology(Ai-MAST), Nov. 2015

[4] Maritime Cloud Development Forum, Identity Management and Cyber Security, IALA (http://www.iala-aism.org), March 2017

[5] Maritime Cloud Development Forum, Specification guideline for Technical Services, IALA (http://www.iala-aism.org), March 2017

[6] NS3 project, NS3 network simulator, https://www.nsnam.org

Cite this paper

Gaeil An, Doyoung Chung, Byungho Chung. (2017) Analysis of Delivery Performance of Maritime Cloud Messaging Server in Network without Alternate Route. International Journal of Computers, 2, 201-204


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