

Mariusz Waz, Krzysztof Naus



Electronic Navigational Chart in Aid of Generation of Multi-Dimensional Radar Display

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The main aim of the research presented in the article was to develop a new multidimensional presentation for navigation radar. The presentation, which in the aspects of technology, meets the standards, referring to three-dimensional visualization of space data; it also improves safety of navigation through providing navigators with more accurate radar information in a form much easier for interpreting. Initially it was assumed that the new presentation would increase a possibility of detecting echoes of small signal amplitude.


Radar, 3D Visualization, ENC


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Cite this paper

Mariusz Waz, Krzysztof Naus. (2017) Electronic Navigational Chart in Aid of Generation of Multi-Dimensional Radar Display. International Journal of Circuits and Electronics, 2, 89-98


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