Some Applications of CO2 Laser in Industrial Engineering

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This paper supports the improvement of research, the theoretical and practical aspects of the CO2 laser. Since the first CO2 laser, various research has been carried out which has improved the technology of ferrous and non – ferrous material processing due to the tunable wavelength of 8,7-11,8µm which allows the use of this cutter in various technological cutting operations, drilling, welding. The CO2 laser lines are very intense in the infrared range, and this is obtained by splitting the levels in the subwoofers due to columbic energy and hyperfine splitting due to vibration and rotation, so that the spectrum of the polyatomic molecule is more complex and complicated, making it successfully used in industrial and naval engineering.


CO2 laser, manufacturing operations, parameter modeling


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Cite this paper

Badea Lepadatescu, Girdu Constantin Cristinel. (2017) Some Applications of CO2 Laser in Industrial Engineering. International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Systems, 2, 65-69


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