Speed control of switched reluctance motor using genetic algorithm and ant colony based on optimizing PID controller

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Proportional-Integral-Derivative control is the most used kind of control which provides the simplest and most effective solution to different kinds of control engineering applications. But until now PID controller is poorly tuned in real life and online applications. While most of PID tuning is done manually. Switched reluctance motor (SRM) has highly nonlinear characteristics since the developed/produced torque of the motor has a nonlinear function on both phase current and rotor position. These nonlinearities of the SRM drives make the conventional PID (proportional + integral + Derivative) controller a poor choice for application where high dynamic performance is desired under all motor operating conditions. research paper comes up with two artificial and hybrid techniques involving Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). Those techniques where used to tune the PID parameters for the switched reluctance motor (SRM) and its performance were compared with the conventional method of “Ziegler Nichols. The results obtained reflects that, the use of those algorithms based controller improves the performance of the whole process in terms of a fast set point tracking and regulatory changes and also provides an optimum stability for the system itself with a minimum overshoot on the output signal.



Switched Reluctance Motor, PID Controller, Ant Colony, Genetic Algorithm, Optimization Techniques, speed Control.



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Hassan El-sayed Ahmed Ibrahim, Mohamed Said Sayed Ahmed, Khaled Mohamed Awad. (2017) Speed control of switched reluctance motor using genetic algorithm and ant colony based on optimizing PID controller. International Journal of Control Systems and Robotics, 2, 132-140


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