Reconstructed gasification technology

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The article describes the reconstructed gasification technology, which works in autothermním mode. The technology is housed in the complex VSB - Technical University of Ostrava at the Energy Research Center. Over the years, various modifications have been made to the technology, and the last modification that was made in 2016 is described in the article. Comparative tests of the same pellets were performed on the modified technology, followed by an RDF fuel test, a pellet and a mixture of these fuels. The monitored parameters of the assay, the chemical composition of the gas, the amount of generated dust and tar



gasification, autothermal generator, pellets, RDF, fuel mixture, chemical composition of gas



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Cite this paper

Pavel Friedel, Jakub Čespiva. (2017) Reconstructed gasification technology. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2, 129-133


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