Increasing Cooperation between the European Maritime Domain Authorities

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This research brings out the European Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) together with authorities’ cooperation in the maritime domain. Coherence between different national processes is challenging because of the differences between the partners from different Member States. On the other hand, differences in administrative, legal frameworks, and technical issues are solvable. Cross-sectoral cooperation should be enhanced by strengthening cross-sectoral knowledge through exploring the other sectors work methods. Widely shared information supports operations planning and sharing of resources on the European maritime domain. The results of this study show that the authorities are beginning to realize the importance of cooperation and information sharing cross-border and cross-sector: cooperation should be based on common objectives and emphasize the benefits of cooperation



Information Sharing; Authorities’ Cooperation; Maritime Surveillance; Maritime Safety; Common Information Sharing Environment; Trust.



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Cite this paper

Ilkka Tikanmäki, Harri Ruoslahti. (2017) Increasing Cooperation between the European Maritime Domain Authorities. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 392-399


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