Non-Governmental Organizations as the Key Actors of Renewal of Rural Territories in Latvia

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The paper is addressed to the description of activities of non-governmental organizations of Latvia to overcome the problem of depopulation and shrinking in rural territories in Latvia. Authors use the term “renewal of society” in the context of endogenous and neo-endogenous development revealing the significant role of non-governmental organizations and civil society in rural areas in Latvia. Results collected using qualitative social research methods unveil non-governmental organizations in rural territories of Latvia as not only the animators and facilitators of rural development, but also as strong agents of creating social and economical structures that challenge existing political structures and relations between state and civil society.



renewal of society, rural territories, rural development, civil society, non-governmental organizations, animators



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Cite this paper

Dina Bite, Ženija Kruzmetra. (2017) Non-Governmental Organizations as the Key Actors of Renewal of Rural Territories in Latvia. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 2, 277-286


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