

Andrea Asperti, Carlo De Pieri, Gianmaria Pedrini



Rogueinabox: an Environment for Roguelike Learning

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In this article we introduce Rogueinabox: a highly modular learning environment built around the videogame Rogue, the father of the roguelike genre. It offers easy ways to interact with the game and a whole framework to build, customize, run and analyze learning agents. We discuss the interest and challenges of this game for machine learning and deep learning, and then discuss our initial experiments of training.


Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, QLearning, Neural Network, Artificial Intelligence, Rogue, Game


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Cite this paper

Andrea Asperti, Carlo De Pieri, Gianmaria Pedrini. (2017) Rogueinabox: an Environment for Roguelike Learning. International Journal of Computers, 2, 146-154


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