

Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Amaia Mesanza, Javier Sancho, Ruperta Delgado, Estibaliz Apiñaniz, Inmaculada Tazo, Jose Antonio Ramos-Hernanz, Iñaki Ochoa De Eribe



Welcome Program and Tutoring Plan for New Students at the Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz

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The main objective of this paper is to describe two innovative experiences that are being developed at the Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country University, Spain). The first one is being carried out during the last three years, and in short it is a Welcome Program for the new students. Its objective is to improve the adaptation of this group to its entrance to the university, as well as to try to reduce the dropping out rate of studies during their first academic year. This is the unique initiative of the type at the University of the Basque Country - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU). The second experience is developed once that the course has begun, offering to these same students a Tutoring Plan, where they can be guided and advised by teachers of the Faculty in order to maximize their academic achievements.


Welcome Program, Tutoring Plan, Success rate, Dropout rate, Integration, Competences, Skills


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Cite this paper

Jose Manuel Lopez-Guede, Amaia Mesanza, Javier Sancho, Ruperta Delgado, Estibaliz Apiñaniz, Inmaculada Tazo, Jose Antonio Ramos-Hernanz, Iñaki Ochoa De Eribe. (2017) Welcome Program and Tutoring Plan for New Students at the Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 83-88


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