

Pavel Struha, Vladimíra Šilhánková, Michael Pondelícek



Heat Islands and Their Thermovision Monitoring in an Example of Public Space in Hradec Králové

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Global climate change has been discussed with increasing focus over the recent years, and as it has significant impacts on both the natural environment and human activities, it is necessary to prepare for and adapt to the possible changes in a good time in advance. Air temperature changes, also known as global warming, are one of the main effects of global climate change. Therefore, our towns and cities are likely to experience major changes in terms of air temperatures and the risk of heat island occurrence will be rising over time. Towns and cities should begin to prepare for this phenomenon, monitor the situation and propose such measures that would mitigate climate change impacts on the urban environment and urban population or at least would not add to the existing adverse impacts. This paper presents possible ways of identifying heat islands by thermovision monitoring in an example of two selected public spaces in Hradec Králové – námestí 28. ríjna and Riegrovo námestí.


Climate change, Heat islands, Thermovision monitoring, Public spaces, Hradec Králové


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Cite this paper

Pavel Struha, Vladimíra Šilhánková, Michael Pondelícek. (2017) Heat Islands and Their Thermovision Monitoring in an Example of Public Space in Hradec Králové. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 88-95


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