

Richard Snow, Mary Snow



The Ecology and Economy of Forests

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Forests are a critical element in mitigating climatic change due to their ability to slow the rate of greenhouse gas emissions. The types of tree species in the forest, their growth rate, and the age of the forest all affect carbon uptake. Several options for reducing carbon dioxide through the use of vegetation are available which include reducing deforestation, reforestation projects, establishing urban forests, improved forest management, and enhanced harvesting techniques. This study conducted a review of the literature on several afforestation and reforestation projects currently underway. The review culminated in isolating knowledge gaps, or voids, in the literature regarding, how best to use reforestation as a means of mitigating climate change. These gaps include international policies that would facilitate reforestation, the socio-economic benefits to local communities involved with reforestation efforts, varying land tenure schemes, the productivity of lands, as well as the availability of off-farm employment in various locations. Following several case studies, this study concludes by explaining the importance of conservation and restoration as a means of mitigating climate change while improving local ecosystems and livelihoods.


Reforestation, afforestation, management, climate change, carbon dioxide, sequestration


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Cite this paper

Richard Snow, Mary Snow. (2017) The Ecology and Economy of Forests. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 45-48


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