

Badea Lepadatescu, Ioan Enescu



The Importance of Communications in Business Success




How important is communication? Consider this: Managers spend at least 80 percent of every working day in direct communications with others. In other words, 48 minutes of every hour is spent in meetings, on the telephone, or talking informally while walking around. The other 20 percent of a typical manager’s time is spent doing deskwork, most of which is also communication in the form of reading and writing. Communication permeates every management function, for example, when managers perform the planning function, they gather information; write letters, memos, and reports and then meet with other managers to explain the plan. When managers lead, they communicate with subordinates to motivate them. When managers organize, they gather information about the state of the organization and communicate new structures to others. Communication skills are fundamental part of every managerial activity.


Communication Process, sender, receiver, Communications Channels, Routine messages, Formal Communication


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Badea Lepadatescu, Ioan Enescu. (2017) The Importance of Communications in Business Success. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 2, 1-6


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