

Paulinus Ofem, Paschal Ochang, Lucky Onwuzurike, Absalom Ezugwu, Jyri Rajamäki



Empirical Validation of Online Features in the User Acceptance of Internet Banking Websites



Internet banking was introduced in the developed countries around the 1980s whereas in developing countries like Nigeria, it only started around the year 2000. This study focuses on investigating the online features of Internet banking websites of Nigerian banks and the impact of their relationships with the acceptance behaviors of users from an information systems (IS) view. The empirical results obtained from a sample survey of 55 Internet banking users indicate that technology acceptance model (TAM) is an appropriate model for use in forecasting the acceptance behaviors of Internet banking customers. It also indicates that online features have positive effect on customer’s perceived usefulness, attitude and behavioral intension to adopt Internet banking websites.


Online features, Internet banking websites, Technology acceptance model, Internet banking, E-banking


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Paulinus Ofem, Paschal Ochang, Lucky Onwuzurike, Absalom Ezugwu, Jyri Rajamäki. (2017) Empirical Validation of Online Features in the User Acceptance of Internet Banking Websites. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 2, 27-33


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