

Teodora Todorova, Tsveta Hristova



Education of Patients, Living on Hemodialysis

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Globally, the number of patients with chronic renal diseases is increasing, as well as of those who maintain their lives due to dialysis techniques for blood purification. In Bulgaria patients under dialysis are growing with 150-170 cases/million population per year. With the initiation of dialysis treatment, substantial changes occur in the normal way of living, which requires special organization for its performance. In most of the cases, patients do not even know that they are ill and they appeared to be unprepared and incapable to take care of themselves. Therefore, educational sessions are recommended, aiming to give information about life on hemodialysis and thus, the patients are involved in the process of treatment. They are taught to overcome the difficulties, motivate themselves and adapt to the new situation. Knowledge helps them to achieve control of the disease and its treatment and improves their quality of life. After completing the education, positive results are observed in the patients’ behavior and in their self-care.


education, patients, chronic kidney failure, dialysis treatment


Cite this paper

Teodora Todorova, Tsveta Hristova. (2020) Education of Patients, Living on Hemodialysis. International Journal of Medical Physiology, 4, 1-5


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