

Seyed Mahmood Hashemi



Solving FTP with Multi-Objective Optimization

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In this paper, an approach to solve Freight Transportation Problem is represented. Actually, there are various factors in this problem. There are different ways to consider all effective parameters in the fright transportation problem, but use multi-objective optimization in this paper. We use MOGA (multi-objective genetic algorithm) and AMOSA (multi-objective simulated annealing) to solve presented problem. Although the used algorithms are stochastic and therefor the final results are deterministic in all times, the paper represents a way to consider all parameters simultaneously.


Freight Transportation Problem, multi-objective genetic algorithm, multi-objective simulated annealing


Cite this paper

Seyed Mahmood Hashemi. (2023) Solving FTP with Multi-Objective Optimization. International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods, 8, 20-24


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