

Thomas Georgas, Georgios Giannoukos, Ioannis Stergiou, Vasilios Hioctour, Sotiria Kallianta, Maria Chalari



The Adult Education Teacher: Re-Narrating Forgotten Histories, Developing Future Roles according to Freire, Mezirow, Noyé - Piveteau

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The character and role of the adult education teacher is the predominant question of any newcomer in the field of adult education. By studying the relevant literature, the texts of Mezirow, Freire, Noyé - Piveteau some answers began to emerge concerning the question, with common points of reference but also several differences. We will begin by presenting the character and role of the adult education teacher in each of the approaches of the mentioned scholars pointing out their similarities and differences. Concluding, we will present which approach finds us more in agreement with and why


Adult education, andragogy, transformative learning, adult educator, adult learning


[1]. Freire, P. (1998). Teachers as cultural workers: Letters to those who dare teach. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.

[2]. Jarvis, P. (2004). Adult education and lifelong learning: Theory and practice. London: RoutledgeFalmer.

[3]. Knowles, M.S. (1978). The adult learner: a neglected species (2d ed.). Houston: Gulf Pub. Co., Book Division.

[4]. Mezirow, J. (2000). Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory in progress. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

[5]. Noye, D. & Piveteau (1999). Adult trainer practical guide. Athens: Metaichmio

[6]. Rogers, A. (1999). Adult Education. Athens: Metaichmio

Cite this paper

Thomas Georgas, Georgios Giannoukos, Ioannis Stergiou, Vasilios Hioctour, Sotiria Kallianta , Maria Chalari. (2018) The Adult Education Teacher: Re-Narrating Forgotten Histories, Developing Future Roles according to Freire, Mezirow, Noyé - Piveteau. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 3, 70-72


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