

Kousuke Abe, Tetsuo Tanaka, Kazunori Matsumoto



Lecture Support System using Digital Textbook for Filling in Blanks to Visualize Student Learning Behavior

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In this study, we develop a system that generates a digital textbook to fill in blanks from PDF files. The system also gathers and visualizes student behavior logs such as filling in blanks in the textbook, underlining and taking notes during a lecture. Using this system, in real time during a lecture, faculty members can determine the students level of comprehension, degree of engagement in the lecture, or whether the pace of the class is appropriate and improve classes based on this information. In this paper, we provide an outline of this system and the results of applying it to an actual class.


Lecture support, Filling in blanks, Learning behavior, Real-time feedback, Retrospection


Cite this paper

Kousuke Abe, Tetsuo Tanaka, Kazunori Matsumoto. (2018) Lecture Support System using Digital Textbook for Filling in Blanks to Visualize Student Learning Behavior. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 3, 138-144


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