

Nasser S. A. M. Khalil, Marwa M. A. Mahrous



Physicochemical Properties of Starches Isolated from Two Common Egyptian Wheat Cultivars

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Starch is a major component of versatile cereals, tubers and food products and it plays an important role in the appearance, structure and quality of foods due to its pasting properties, retogardation and other valuable physicochemical properties. To date, there is no single published report studying the physicochemical properties of starches isolated from different Egyptian crop cultivars. As wheat is considered one of the oldest, most extensively cultivated, and higher nutritional value and strategic crops in the world and in Egypt, the current study deals with physicochemical properties of starch isolated from two common Egyptian wheat cultivars, namely, Wheat Durum Beni Suef 1 and Bread Wheat Misr 1. The isolated starches were subjected to versatile physicochemical study, comprising, proximate analyses (contents of ash, moisture, protein, total carbohydrates), total organic matter (TOM), total organic carbon (TOC), undesired elemental content (chromium, nickel, arsenic, lead and cadmium), nutritive elemental content (sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, cobalt, copper, zinc and selenium), other elements (molybdenum, tin and antimony), amylose, amylopectin, pH value, water binding capacity (WBC), total hydrolysable carbohydrates, swelling power and solubility. Spectral studies including Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and X-Ray diffraction pattern of the isolated starches were achieved. The study revealed that while isolated starches have close results in some physicochemical properties, they have divergent results in others. The isolated starches have distant results in amylose-amylopectin profile, water binding capacity (WBC), swelling power and solubility at different temperatures. X-Ray diffraction study assured that isolated starches from both cultivars have typical characteristics of an A-type diffraction pattern.


Physicochemical properties, Starch, isolation, wheat, cultivars, FT-IR, X-ray


Cite this paper

Nasser S. A. M. Khalil, Marwa M. A. Mahrous. (2018) Physicochemical Properties of Starches Isolated from Two Common Egyptian Wheat Cultivars. International Journal of Agricultural Science, 3, 73-95


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