

Jurgis Zagorskas



GIS-Based Modelling and Estimation of Land Use Mix in Urban Environment

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Mixed-use development is widely discussed subject of urban sustainability. It helps to cope with energy and transportation related problems in urban environment, forms the compact, walking-friendly, economically and socially vital communities by fusing together different functions such as residential, commercial, and recreational land uses. Although mixed land use is the key planning principle of compact development and this term frequently appears in the urban planning strategies and literature, it is rarely elaborated upon with substantive and empirical support. Furthermore - the standard mathematical models and methods for quantifying this parameter in most cases miss the human scale and therefore give inaccurate results. This study performs functional mix analysis of Klaipeda City (Lithuania) with emphasis on urban travel distances. The demonstrated model proves the importance of scale factor and adds another dimension to existing methods.


Urban Metrics, Urban Sustainability, Mixed Use Development, Urban Compactness, City Planning, Location Theory, Spatial Metrics, Spatial Structure, City Clusters


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Cite this paper

Jurgis Zagorskas. (2016) GIS-Based Modelling and Estimation of Land Use Mix in Urban Environment. International Journal of Environmental Science, 1, 284-293


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