

Milenko Živkovic, Mira Mandic, Dragan Papic, Marko Stanojevic



Cross-Boundary Cooperation as a Factor of Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the EU Integration Processes

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The paper identifies and defines cross-boundary areas and top-priority cross-boundary zones in Bosnia and Herzegovina (i.e. its entities the Republic of Srpska and BiH Federation). Typicality of geosystem, limitations and problems of development, and distinguished development advantages are primary prerequisites for the overall economic development, regional integrations, territorial cohesion and sustainable development. The pertinence of the paper is both practical and theoretical in line with the spatial-functional organization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the concepts of cross-boundary cooperation and cross-boundary regional development within the process of EU integration, and the overall sustainable development.


Bosnia and Herzegovina, cross-boundary cooperation, integration, development processes, regional development


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Cite this paper

Milenko Živkovic, Mira Mandic, Dragan Papic, Marko Stanojevic. (2016) Cross-Boundary Cooperation as a Factor of Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the EU Integration Processes. Economics and Management Systems, 1, 208-217


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