

Meenal Mahajan, Ranjit Kaur



A Hybrid of SC-IPNLMS and SC-MPNLMS Adaptive Algorithms for Acoustic Echo Cancellation

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In acoustic echo cancellation (AEC), sparseness in impulse response may vary with change in atmospheric and environmental conditions. Thus algorithm used in adaptive filter design must work well for both sparse and dispersive impulse response. In this paper, a HYBRID of sparseness controlled algorithms is proposed that is robust to sparseness variation. The performance of the proposed Hybrid algorithm is analyzed, simulated and compared to the original SC-IPNLMS and SCMPNLMS in sparse and dispersive impulse response using different input signals. The significant improvement of this hybrid sparseness controlled algorithm is shown using MATLAB simulations in terms of the performance measures kept under study are mean square error (MSE), echo return loss enhancement (ERLE) and normalized misalignment (NPM).


Acoustic echo cancellation (AEC), sparse and dispersive impulse response, sparseness controlled algorithms, MSE, ERLE, NPM


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Cite this paper

Meenal Mahajan, Ranjit Kaur. (2017) A Hybrid of SC-IPNLMS and SC-MPNLMS Adaptive Algorithms for Acoustic Echo Cancellation. International Journal of Signal Processing, 2, 140-144


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